Spiritual growth takes intentionality.  As part of setting the tone for 2016, join us at Awaken City Church as we take a five day journey to make space for God in our lives and to mediate on God’s word.  Here is a link to the study.
I have heard it said time and time again that God won’t change your mind, but He will change your heart.  If we change our mind (about a situation) then God can change our hearts.  There have been so many times in my life when I have realized that I have had a bad attitude about a situation.  Sometimes, when I realized that I do, I try to consciously make an effort to think the best of the situation by changing my mind).  When this happens, I open my heart up to the work of the Lord.  So often the things that bug me are the things that can open me up for an amazing moment with God.
God can do ‘heart surgery’ on us but we have to want it. Â We have to change our mind and really want to see God in the difficult situation. Â The funny thing about being a human is that we can change our mind, but we can’t change our hearts. Â Only God can do that.
Psalm 51:10 (amp) Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
Let us pray that God would create in us a new heart. Â A heart for the lost around us, a heart for our family, a heart for intimacy with Him.