This morning was no different than any other morning. It started off at 5:05 am with Colty running into our room in his normal super excited to see us way. I usually get up anywhere between 5:00 am and 5:20 am so I decidted to get up. As soon as I did Myleigh and Kinley came out into the living room. The kids usually chill for the first 10 minutes after getting up and after that it’s ‘game on’. As a dad it is easy for me to slip into task mode and look at my day as a list of things I have to do…workout, eat breakfast, go to work, run errands after work, come home, do chores…you get the picture. Today I wanted to let the time with my kids be open. I usually have some flexibility in my schedule so coming in a half hour later on a Wednesday is never a big deal. Well today we were inspired. I noticed the kids setting up their toys all over the house. If you are like me, the first thing you think of is ‘when am I going to have time to clean this up?’. Well I watched them and briefly looked over at Kelli as to ask ‘what are they doing?’…and she stated they are playing the IT’S A SMALL WORLD and this is their setup. I was like brilliant…so I engaged with the kids. I decided to help them by adding an actual moving cart…which was nothing more than a laundry basket. The result was a twisting, winding ride showing off various clusters of toys through out the house. It was awesome watching their little imaginations kick into overdrive. There were plenty of smiles.
Being a big kid now I remember how important it was for my parents to spend time with me. It was more important for them to spend time with me than to buy me somthing. I am am a flawed human that get’s caught up in the day to day of life…but today I did something different. I engaged with my kids for a few minutes. I am not certain where you may be as a parent but if you are like every other parent who is tired, stressed, over worked and who has slipped into task mode I want to encourage you to step back and engage your child/children. It matters to them…you matter to them.
In all honesty it reminds me of our relationship with God. I usually say ‘If I could just care for and love my kids like He loves me…’ the truth is that being a parent and loving our kids is something we choose to do…and should never be something we have to do. Kids are crazy…kids are a lot of work…but they are also a blessing. If parenting has you discouraged just know that you matter to your child/children and that God had YOU picked as their parent before time began.