What Drives Me: Part 3

My faith drives me to do things I would have never considered a few years ago. I have always played it safe…there I said it. I have…in fact I have built my life on the premise of planning for a rainy day. I am no expert in this but we have all had to take steps of faith before. What I have realized is that they always seem to get harder. It seems the more you want to trust God the more He wants to give you an opportunity to do so. This is where the faith part comes in. So how does this tie into what drives me?…well simply put faith. I can think of two stories that come to mind when I think of this. The first is when God put on the heart of Moses to rescue His people. This required gigantic faith on the part of Moses. He was the buffer between God and the often times moody people of Israel. A second story is that of Jake and Elwood Blues…you know the Blues Brothers. They were on a mission from God to get the band back together. Although one of the stories is Biblical and one is secular I can identify that both had a calling. It is interesting to see that with Moses there was no quick solution. In fact God used time and faith (a dreaded combination to us humans) to perfect His plan. Moses new that God had the best intentions for His people so he kept his eyes on the Lord.  I would have loved to see Moses make it to the promise land…he didn’t.  God had a different plan for him….but his faith was instrumental in Gods bigger plan.

So faith drives me…it steers me…it challenges me.

A link to the ‘What Drives Me Series’

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